I first made these "Sea Urchins" when Carol Perrenoud visited the UK back in 2003 and have always meant to bead another one.
As soon as I started this colour challenge I was itching to bead one with yellow dagger beads and violet seed beads. Which of course are each others complementaries and a combination I have fallen in love with!
Unfortunately I found it hard to track down large, solid-yellow dagger beads in the UK in the quantity I needed- 135.
I did manage to find 20 small ones in a solid bright yellow and some large ones in a transparent yellow but neither were what I wanted.
But last night I raided my bead stash and found these transparent yellow small ones so thought I'd give it a go with them.
But now I've started I'm not sure.
I still used size 8 seed beads but think I should use size 11 instead so the daggers/ spikes are still the same scale as they are on the others.
But can I bear to start again?
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